Shipping and payment
Timing and delivery rules
We deliver our products all over the world!
The cost of delivery is calculated individually according to the shipping company's rates.
Russia, 456234, Chelyabinsk region, Zlatoust, 14a Metallistov str.
Cities of Russia
— SDEC delivery
— POST (Expedited, First class)
Delivery time between 1 to 10 business days, not including pickup day, holidays (depending#on the delivery#region). Pickup at the pickup point or by courier delivery.
CIS countries
- SDEC (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan)
- POST (Expedited, First Class)
5 to 15 working days, excluding days of dispatch, weekends and public holidays (depending on the delivery region).
Other countries
- EMS Post
Delivery time between 10 to 40 working days, not including day of# dispatch, weekends and holidays.
Dear customers!
- Standard products take approx. 10 days.
- Please contact your manager before making your bespoke design.
Ordering steps
  1. Choice of goods
  2. Purchase order (30% down payment)
  3. Design review
  4. Production
  5. Delivery (in  Russia balance on delivery, in other countries balance paid before delivery)
  1. Transfer via bank cards and payment systems: Mastercard, Visa, Zolotaya Corona.
  2. Cash on delivery via SDEK
  3. To company account
+7 900 074 17 74
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©2023, Zlatoust Factory.